All circle office bearers/ All divisional secretaries
Dear Comrade,
The clarion call of all Trade Unions, duly endorsed by Confederation of C.G. Employees & workers, as well as Postal JCA, comprising of NFPE & FNPO has been received to go on two days strike on 20th & 21st February 2013. The tour programme of Confederation & NFPE leaders has been published in the websites of NFPE and respective CHQs. Similarly, the tour programme of NFPE & FNPO All India leaders for each circle have been declared. Com. KKN Kutty from Confederation and Com. Pranab Bhatacharjee from NFPE are visiting Bhubaneswar on 02-02-2013 and will address the meeting to be held in Bhubaneswar GPO Campus at 5.30 PM. Likewise the name of All India leaders, i.e. Com.R.C.Mishra (P-3), Com. D.B Mohanty (P-4), Com. R.N.Dhal (R-3), Com. D.Dey (R-4), Com. N.K Das (Postal Accounts), Com. S.S.Samant (Admn.), Com. N.C.Singh (AIPEU GDS NFPE) & Com. T.N.Rahate, President FNPO have been declared for strike meeting at Bhubaneswar on 15-02-2013. It is requested for massive participation in all the strike meetings for total success of the two days strike on 20-02-2013 & 21-02-2013 to restrict the wrong policies of the Government affecting the interest of common men & employees & workers.
In the above scenario, the undersigned three Circle Secretaries (NFPE) of AIPEU, Gr-C, AIPEU Postmen/ MTS & Gr-D sat together and decided to hold regional level joint strike Circle council meetings at three regions, Berhampur HO campus, Bhubaneswar GPO campus & Sambalpur HO campus. The circle office bearers and divisional secretaries of the three wings of concerned regions are requested to participate in the following meetings as per scheduled date & time to have a thorough discussion on plans and strategies to be made for all out success of the strike. The circle office bearers/ divisional secretaries of Berhampur, Bhubaneswar & Sambalpur are requested for making necessary arrangements for conductance of the meetings on the following dates. The FNPO leaderships are in touch with for attending the meetings and their participation will be intimated over phone. The formation of Postal JCA will be made on 22-01-2013 after issuing of strike notice to CPMG, Odisha circle and the same will be circulated to all concerned. All the divisional secretaries are requested to form divisional Postal JCA and to issue strike notices at divisional levels on 22-01-2013 positively.
All circle office bearers/ All divisional secretaries
Dear Comrade,
The clarion call of all Trade Unions, duly endorsed by Confederation of C.G. Employees & workers, as well as Postal JCA, comprising of NFPE & FNPO has been received to go on two days strike on 20th & 21st February 2013. The tour programme of Confederation & NFPE leaders has been published in the websites of NFPE and respective CHQs. Similarly, the tour programme of NFPE & FNPO All India leaders for each circle have been declared. Com. KKN Kutty from Confederation and Com. Pranab Bhatacharjee from NFPE are visiting Bhubaneswar on 02-02-2013 and will address the meeting to be held in Bhubaneswar GPO Campus at 5.30 PM. Likewise the name of All India leaders, i.e. Com.R.C.Mishra (P-3), Com. D.B Mohanty (P-4), Com. R.N.Dhal (R-3), Com. D.Dey (R-4), Com. N.K Das (Postal Accounts), Com. S.S.Samant (Admn.), Com. N.C.Singh (AIPEU GDS NFPE) & Com. T.N.Rahate, President FNPO have been declared for strike meeting at Bhubaneswar on 15-02-2013. It is requested for massive participation in all the strike meetings for total success of the two days strike on 20-02-2013 & 21-02-2013 to restrict the wrong policies of the Government affecting the interest of common men & employees & workers.
In the above scenario, the undersigned three Circle Secretaries (NFPE) of AIPEU, Gr-C, AIPEU Postmen/ MTS & Gr-D sat together and decided to hold regional level joint strike Circle council meetings at three regions, Berhampur HO campus, Bhubaneswar GPO campus & Sambalpur HO campus. The circle office bearers and divisional secretaries of the three wings of concerned regions are requested to participate in the following meetings as per scheduled date & time to have a thorough discussion on plans and strategies to be made for all out success of the strike. The circle office bearers/ divisional secretaries of Berhampur, Bhubaneswar & Sambalpur are requested for making necessary arrangements for conductance of the meetings on the following dates. The FNPO leaderships are in touch with for attending the meetings and their participation will be intimated over phone. The formation of Postal JCA will be made on 22-01-2013 after issuing of strike notice to CPMG, Odisha circle and the same will be circulated to all concerned. All the divisional secretaries are requested to form divisional Postal JCA and to issue strike notices at divisional levels on 22-01-2013 positively.
- Berhampur Region HQ Region Sambalpur Region
- 25-01-201311AM 26-01-2013 11AM Dated-27-01-2013 at 11AM
- BerhampurHOCampusBhubaneswar GPO Campus Sambalpur HO Campus
With Revolutionary Greetings
Comradely yours
(N.C.Singh) (D.B.Mohanty) (R.C.Mishra)
Odisha Circle Odisha Circle Odisha Circle
Odisha Circle Odisha Circle Odisha Circle
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