Commemorative Postage Stamp on "Alagumuthu Kone"
A Commemorative Postage Stamp on "Alagumuthu Kone" has been released by Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Hon'ble Minister for Communications and IT at Madurai on 26/12/2015 | |
A monthly Journal of All India Postal Employees Union - GDS (NFPE), Orissa Circle branch. Post:-Alba,Dist:- Kendrapara,Pin:-754217. Mob: 9437003058, Email:
Department of Telecommunications
· Inauguration of Wi-Fi hotspots at Har ki Pauri, Haridwar and Dargah Sharif, Ajmer.
· Announcement of Pan India Free Incoming Roaming Facility for MTNL Customers.
Department of Posts
· Launch of Post-Terminals (Rural ICT - RICT) – handing over Post Terminals to rural Post Masters.
Department of Electronics and Information Technology
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· Launch of National Centre of Geo-Informatics
· Launch of e-Payment Portal
· Launch of Olabs for Schools
· Launch of Information Security Education and Awareness (ISEA) Phase-II
· All India BPO Promotion Scheme
· North East Business Process Outsourcing Promotion Scheme
· Transfer of Technology for “ICT Centre on Tactile Graphics” at IIT Delhi
· Announcement of Setting up of NIC Data Centre at Bhubaneswar
AIPEU GDS (NFPE) extends its heartful thanks to the Circle Union, AIPEU GrC, Tamil Nadu Circle for taken up the issue with the administration, caused this clarification from the authorities of NPS - SDBS to dispose the pending cases in connection with sanction of SEVERANCE AMOUNT to GDS from Jan 2014.
Clarifications on settlement of severance amount to all discharged/ promoted / resigned / voluntarily retired and expired GDS - Reg.
Office of the General Manager, Postal Accounts & Finance
Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai-600 008
No. /SDBS/Genl. Dt.7.12.2015
The Senior Supdt./Supdt. Of Post offices, RMS & Airmail sorting Divisions,Tamilnadu circle
Sub: Clarifications on settlement of severance amount to all discharged/promoted/resigned / voluntarily retired and expired GDS-Reg.
Ref : This office letter No.3527 to 3576/SDBS/Genl. Dt.26.11.2015
Following this office letter referred to above, some of the Divisions have raised doubts on some of the key issues over phone . In order to clear some more doubts that may arise in settlement of severance amount to all exit cases in SDBS ,the following clarifications are issued for the guidance of all Divisional Heads and DDOs.
Senior Accounts Officer
No. /SDBS/Genl. Dt. 7.12.2015
Copy to
1. The Chief Postmasters/Senior Postmasters/Postmasters and Head Record officers ,Tamilnadu circle for information and guidance.
2. The Senior Accounts Officer (Budget) O/O The Chief Postmaster Postmaster General , Tamilnadu circle,Chennai-600 002 .
3.The Senior Accounts Officers, O/O Postmasters General ,Chennai City,Central,Southern and Western Regions for information.
Senior Accounts Officer