Implementation of Redesigned Network for First Class Mail.
Copy of D.G. Posts No.30-7/2012-D, Dated 01-02-2012
The matter relating to restructuring the existing operational network and processing arrangements for First Class mail (Unregistered and Registered) was under consideration at this Directorate as part of the Mail Network Optimization Project. The issue has been examined in detail, and in this context following instructions are issued.
2. Under the new operational arrangements, the existing mail offices have been classified into Level 1 (L-1) and Level 2 (L-2) mail offices. There would be 89 L-1 and 244 L-2 mail offices under the new set up. The list of L-1 and L-2 mail offices for First Class unregistered mail is given as Annexure I. The list of L-1 and L-2 mail offices for Registered mail is given as Annexure II.
3. The manner of closing of bags between mail offices (handling unregistered and registered mail) would be as follows:-
(a) All L-1 mail offices will close direct bags for each other. An L-1 office will also close bags for all L-2 offices as well as delivery post offices mapped/attached to it.
(b) All L-2 offices attached/mapped to it an L-1 office can close bags for that particular office. An L-2 office may also close bags for all other L-2 offices mapped to the same L-1 office if the need be. It will also close bags for all delivery post offices mapped to it.
( c) An L-2 mail office would not close bags for any other L-1 office to which it is not mapped. Similarly an L-2 office will not close bags for any other L-2 office which is not mapped to the same L-1 office. However, there may be a situation where an L-2 office may require closing bags for an L-1 or L-2 office falling in the same circle or neighbouring circle for transmission advantage. Circles should try to keep this number to the bare minimum to the extent possible. In all such exceptional cases, the circle concerned should furnish the list of such offices and destinations for which bag closing is required and seek approval of the Directorate.
4. A sorting extract based on PIN range for both unregistered and registered mail has been prepared for the purpose of sorting at the mail offices under the new arrangement and the same is being communicated by e—mailto the Circles. The same may be brought to the notice of all concerned. The information on mapping of all delivery post offices to their parent mail offices is also being provided by e-mail.
5. In case of metro cities such as Mumbai and Chennai, where more than one mail office are handling unregistered mail, such offices would continue to function as inward/outward /surface/air segments of the L-1 offices as the case may be . Bags for these cities will be closed based on the mode of transport through which they are routed by other L-1 or L-2 offices ( air or surface)
6. Post Offices would prepare two kinds of bags (separate for unregistered and registered mail) for their parent mail office (L-1 or L-2 as the case may be), which would be as follows.
(a) A bag containing TD mail to be delivered by post offices mapped to the same parent mail office (for unregistered mail)
(b) A bag containing non-TD (NTD) i.e. all mail other than TD , to be delivered by post offices not mapped to the same parent mail office (for unregistered mail)
( c) A bag containing TD mail to be delivered by the post offices mapped to the same parent mail office ( for registered mail).
(d) A bag containing non-TD (NTD) mail, i.e. all mail other than TD, to be delivered by post offices no mapped to the same parent mail office ( for registered mail)
(e) Post Offices would continue to retain station article i.e. articles to be delivered from the same post office in case of both unregistered and registered articles.
The sorting cases and diagram atL-1 mail offices may be reorganized as follows:-
(a) Type I (For sorting of inbound TD and Local TD mail) : Preliminary and secondary level selections should be provided for (i) inbound/incoming mail received from other L-1 offices and meant for delivery post offices andL-2 mail offices mapped to the L-1 office and (ii) Local TD ( including catchment area of the L-1 office) mail received from all post offices mapped to the L-1 and to be delivered by the delivery post offices mapped to the L-1 office
(b) Type II (Non TD) Preliminary and secondary level selections should be provided for outbound /non-TD mail received from attached post offices and L-2 mail offices of the L-1 office and meant for other L-1 offices as well as L-2 mail offices mapped to the L-1 office under reference.
1. The sorting cases and diagram at L-2 mail offices may be reorganized as follows :
(a) Type I (Inbound TD and Local TD) : Preliminary and secondary level selections should be provided for (i) inbound/incoming mail received from parent L-1 office to which the L-2 office is mapped as well as other designated L-2 offices, and meant for delivery post offices mapped to the L-2 officer and (ii) Local TD (including catchment area of the L-2 office) mail received from all post offices mapped to the L-2 and to be delivered by the delivery post offices mapped to the L-2 office.
(b) Type II (Non –TD) Preliminary and secondary level selections should be provided for (i) inbound/non- TD received from attached post offices of the L-2 office and meant for other L-1 and L-2 offices.
(c) At some L-2 mail offices, there could be a situation where only one type of sorting case/diagram is sufficient to incorporate all selections in terms of local TD, inbound TD and non –TD mail . In such cases, only one type of sorting case/diagram should be used.
2. The sorting logic/diagram for Type I and II sorting cases described in para 8 above should be redesigned by each mail office based on the average mail volume for various destinations (mail offices and post offices, as the case may be). The destination with relatively higher mail volume should be kept for sorting under preliminary selection. The Circle may note that all mail offices under the new set up are expected to complete sorting for all destinations under two-stage sorting, and therefore, it is important to keep the exceptions mentioned in para 3 © above to the bare minimum.
3. The existing arrangement for bag closing at Business Post Centres (BPCs) and Mail Business Centres (MBCs) handling outward bulk mail would continue for the time being. Instructions in this regard would be issued separately at the later date.
4. The new operation network would come into effect from 15th February, 2012. All Circles and APS Directorate may complete action required to migrate to the new network by 14th February, 2012.
Receipt of this memo may be acknowledged to Shri M.B.Gajbhiye, ADG (MO) Room No. 337, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001.
Director (Mail Manager
Posted by: AIPEDEU,Odisha Circle.
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