No.GDS/CHQ/1/5/2012 Dated 15-02-2012
All Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries/All CWC Members, A.I.P.E.D.E.U.
Dear Comrades,
We are furnishing hereunder some recent developments concerning the postal employees in general and GDS employees in particular.
All the central Trade Unions to organize/observe countrywide strike on 28-02-2012 on most pressing demands of the workers, including postal workers and general, It is a historic call. Never before have all the central trade unions joined hands to call National wide strike. We have always participated in such General strike. A large number of Federations including confederation of CGE's AIDEF, Banks, Telecom, Insurance, State Govts Employees Federation and Transportetc.etc. agreed to observe the strike. We should therefore observe this strike.
The attack on Postal and RMS Employees including Gramin Dak Sevaks is mainly due to the policy of the Government against which all the Central Trade unions and Federations are jointly fighting. We as Postal workers, it is our duty to join the working class in its fight against the anti-labour policies of the Government. The Central JCA (NFPE, FNPO,AIPEDEU, calls upon the entire Postal and RMS employees including Gramin Dak Sevaks to conduct intensive preparations for making the 28th February 2012 All India Strike a complete success. The Circle Secretaries and All India Office Bearers of the respective Circles will make arrangements to organize the meeting. General Membership of all unions should participate in the meeting. Strike notice was served to Secretary, Department of Posts on10.02.2012 by JCA leaders. The Postal JCA Call upon the entirety of Postal, RMS and GDS employees to make the one day All India Strike on 28thFebruary, 2012 a grant success.
Meeting with Sri. Sachin Pilot, Hon'ble Minister of State of Communications, was held on 21.01.2012 the staff side presented a memorandum to the Minister, containing the issue which needs Minister's intervention. (See the copy published in the website and Rural Postal Employees).Minister agreed to examine each case on its merits and take early decision. The following issues were discussed with the Minister, in detail. Issues relating to Gramin Dak Sevaks, Issues relating to casual, Part-time, Contingent employees and Revision of overtime allowance. Regarding GDS issues like status, promotion, etc. Minister assured to examine the cases in detail and taken a decision at the earliest. Regarding reduction of existing allowances of GDS, the Minister gave on the spot instructions to the Secretary, Department of Posts, to issue orders protecting the existing TRCA in full. Further regarding cash handling point Minister directed Secretary that it should be finalized before31st January 2012. He assured that the other issues like Bonus ceiling, providing norms for left out items etc. But even February above sad Orders not yet issued, sorry for state of affairs, now Department constituted one officers committee that committee will submit reports.
7th All India conference of our union from 6 to 8 Aril, 2012:
CHQ issued Notice to the 7th all India conference of AIPEDEU scheduled to be held at Amravati, district, Maharashtra Circle, from 6th to 8th April 2012. All are requested to make necessary arrangement for railway reservation.
GDS CHQ released Book Van Guard to GDS Ruling:
THE BOOK VAN GUARD TO GDS RULING ISRELEASED. Updated information GDS rulings/welfare available for your daily references. We believe that it would be useful in the routine to address many issues/problems. The book is sold for Rs.100/-+ Postage on no cost and no profit basis. Please buy and encourage all to have one.
Remittance of Quota and Dues:
Comrades, the position of receipt of quota by the CHQ is again very disheartening. The Divisional/Branch union get their subscription every month from the DDO's but the remittance of quota to CHQ is rather very casual. The Divisional Presidents and Secretaries will please ensure timely remittance of quota.
The CHQ calls upon All the CWC Members/Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries and active members to make the ONE DAY GENERAL STRIKE ON 28.FEB,2012 a programme of resounding success. It is requested to arrange press conference and other publicity to popularise our demands. A report may also be sent to the CHQ.
We request you kindly to translate this circular letter in local language and circulate among the staff. This fact may be explained to the membership through group meetings and general body meetings.
With greetings.
Yours fraternally,
General Secretary
All India Postal Extra Departmental Employees Union
Posted by: AIPEDEU, Odisha Circle.
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