Letter to Govt. on Recruitment Rules for the Post of Postman and Mail Guards
GDS/CHQ/3/2/2011 Dated: 28.11.2011
Ms. ManjulaPrasher,,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan,
New Delhi – 110001
Subject:- Recruitment Rules for the Post of Postman and Mail Guards.
Ref: Your office letter No. 44-2/2011-SPBI dated 27-11-2011
A kind reference is invited to this union's letters of even no. dated 1.03.2011 about the Recruitment Rules for the Post of Postman and Mail Guard in the Directorate letter no. 44-2/2011-SPBI dated 27-11-2011. In which we have been grievously aggrieved and offended by the provision of these Recruitment Rules 2010 which tend to offend and curtail the interests and promotional avenues of the GDS employees against the prevailing rules, convention and practice. In this connection we have to submit as follows and hope that the same will be considered dispassionately and accepted:
(i) The GDS employees, as per their Recruitment Rules do possess the educational qualification as required for appointment to the Post of Postmen. The GDS employees who are appointed on satisfying certain other conditions of the Recruitment Rules have successfully shoulder the new and business and handling of value added services apart from handling many other new schemes.
(ii) As per the prevailing rules 50% of the vacancies in Postmen cadre are filled up by Group 'D' staff through a limited competitive examination failing which by GDS employees through limited competitive examination. The remaining 50% is filled up by GDS employees certain percentage reserved for recruitment on the basis of seniority cum fitness.
There is no reason for tinkering with these rules which have withstood the test of time and have been working satisfactorily over the years.
There is no need for direct recruitment to the Postman cadre from the open market is view of the large number GDS employees available with requisite qualification and ability. The proposed 25% recruitment from the open market is a bolt from the blue unnecessarily incorporated in the rules which must be rescinded.
(iii) Since the avenues opened to the GDS employees who number about three lakhs is recruitment as Multi Tasking Staff or Postman with very little scope for recruitment as PAs/SAs, the remaining facilities cannot be curtailed or narrowed. This is against the own norms prescribed earlier by the department.
(iv) Now that the GDS employees are equipped with better, knowledge better qualification and better ability the reward cannot be curtailment of the little opportunity for mobility of these staff.
We, therefore, request you kindly to consider the case dispassionately and in the light of our emphatic and reasoned suggestions and the provision of 25% by vacancies of Postmen to be filled from open market may be deleted making the provision as if exists; (i) 50% multi tasking staff through limited competitive examination failing which by GDS employees through limited competitive examination; and (ii) 50% by GDS employees with provision for certain percentage to be filled up on the basis of seniority cum fitness.
We are confident that our suggestions would be considered reasonably and accepted to avoid serious hurt being inflicted to the interests and avenues of mobility to the GDS employees.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
All India Postal Extra Departmental Employees Union
Posted by : AIPEDEU,Odisha Circle.
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