Department of Posts: India
Office of the Chief Postmaster General
No. RE/30-13/2013.Ch.II 01 .11. 2013
The PMG, Berhampur Region / Sambalpur Region
All the SSPOs/ SPOs in Odisha Circle
All the SSRM/SRMs in Odisha Circle
Supdt PSD/CSD Bhubaneswar
Supdt PSD Sambalpur
Sub : Holding of Competitive
Examination for filling the posts of
MTS for the vacancies (25%) for the year
2013 as per
revised recruitment
rules and revised syllabus.
I am directed to
intimate that the above said Examination is scheduled to be held on 15.12.2013 (Sunday) as per the revised
recruitment rules i.e. the Department of Posts Multi Tasking Staff Recruitment
Rules, 2010 as amended from time to time. The detailed time schedule for
holding the examination is as follows :
2. Time
schedule of the Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of MTS.
Schedule of activity
Date /Time
Last date for submission of application by
candidates in the prescribed proforma to immediate controlling authorities
Last date for
receipt of applications at Divisional Office from controlling authorities
Date of
submission of proforma report with number of candidates to appear in the
Examination to CO/RO by Divisions
Issue of Admit cards by Divisions
Date of Examination at CO/RO HQ
Timings of Examination
10.00 AM to 11.30 AM
3. Method of
filling up of the vacancies :-
As per the Department of Posts Multi
Tasking Staff Recruitment Rules, 2010, Serial No.2, Column (11) (ii) with
amendments circulated vide CO letter No.RE/30-13/1975(Rlg)/Corr dated
4. Eligibility
condition to apply for the Examination :-
(i) Gramin Dak Sevaks of the recruiting
Division or Unit who is within the age limit of 50 years as on 01.01.2013 are
eligible to appear in the Departmental Examination for promotion to the cadre
of Multi Tasking Staff (against 25% of vacancies).
The age limit for candidates belonging
to Schedules Caste/ Scheduled Tribe is relaxable and upto five years and for
those belonging to Other Backward Castes
is relaxable upto three years).
(ii) No minimum qualifying service is
prescribed for appearing in the competitive examination limited to GDS.
5. Educational
No educational qualification is prescribed
for direct recruitment on the basis
of Competitive Examination. If the Gramin Dak Sevak selected for appointment by
direct recruitment is non-matriculate, he/she shall be given training before
6. Vacancies
The vacancy position for the year 2013 is at
Annexure-IV. The vacancy position is subject to change depending on mistakes,
if any, being reported by units subsequently. The Divisional Heads will
notify the Community-wise vacancies position along with this notification
amongst all for their information.
7. General
(i) Reservation benefit as applicable to
SC/ST/OBC has been provided in case of recruitment
of GDS to the cadre of Multi Tasking Staff.
(ii) The Heads of the unit/ Division where
vacancy / vacancies exists will only call for the applications in the prescribed proforma
(enclosed vide Annexure-I), scrutinize those
applications as per Department of Posts Multi Tasking Staff Recruitment Rules, 2010 (circulated earlier with amendments) and then issue hall permits to the eligible candidates
by the scheduled date. A specimen copy
of the proforma for issue of hall permits is enclosed in Annexure-II. The candidates
should also be instructed to submit two copies of recent passport size photographs duly
attested along with their applications
duly filled in the prescribed
proforma. One copy of the photograph will be pasted on the application form at the space provided for
the purpose and another photograph to
be used at the time of issue of hall permit.
8. A list of candidates
should be prepared in the prescribed proforma enclosed as Annexure-III and the
same should be submitted to this office by the scheduled date. The name of the candidates should be
furnished in the proforma report in order of their seniority. At the end of
list/ proforma report a summary should
be drawn as follows :
(i) Total
no. of GDS applied for the examination.
(a)Total no. of
GDS permitted to appear the examination
(b)Total no. of
GDS not permitted to appear the examination
9. The Officer nominated by CO/RO will conduct
the examination under their supervision
at Circle / Regional headquarters as per schedule.
10. The pattern and syllabus for examination
The pattern and
syllabus for examination to fill up the posts of Multi Tasking Staff by
promotion on the basis of Departmental Competitive Examination by promotion
from amongst GDS will be as follows. The qualifying marks will be as mentioned
in the Annexure to the Directorate
letter No.45-14(i)/2012-SPB-I dated 31.07.2012 circulated vide CO letter
No.RE/30-13/75(Rlg)/Corr dated 18.09.2012.
Day and Date
Time of Examination
Part ‘A’- 25 marks- 25 Multiple Choice Questions
General Knowledge
15.12.2013 (Sunday)
10.00 AM
11.30 AM
90 minutes
Part ‘B’- 25 marks- 25 Multiple Choice Questions
Part ‘C’-Segment(i)- 25 marks- 25-Objective Type
/Multiple Choice Questions
English language
Part ‘C’-Segment(ii)- 25 marks- 25-Objective Type
/Multiple Choice Questions
Regional language (Odia)
11. The Centre Supervisor nominated by
Circle Office / Regional Office will select venue for the examination and will
intimate to Divisional units before the scheduled date for issue of Admit Cards.
The examination will be conducted by Centre
Supervisors strictly in accordance with the rules and regulations as contained
in appendix-37 of P & T Manual Vol. IV.
At the conclusion of the examination the Centre
Supervisors concerned will arrange to send the following reports/ documents to
the undersigned immediately for further action.
of candidates permitted to appear the examination.
certificate of the Centre Supervisor and the Invigilators.
Diagram of the sitting arrangement in the
examination hall.
The contents of this letter may please be
circulated among all concerned at once including APS candidates, if on
deputation to APS and applications from them should be called for accordingly
in the prescribed proforma (Specimen copy enclosed in Annexure-I).
Receipt of this letter may please be
(K P Parida)
Asst. Director (Rectt.)
For CPMG, Orissa Circle
Encl : As above
Copy of this
letter is issued for information and necessary action to
1. The Officer In-charge, P & T Administrative Cell,
C/o 56 APO and also C/o 99 APO
2. The APMG (Vig), CO, Bhubaneswar
3. The ADG (DE), Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi
- 110001 for kind information
with reference to Directorate letter No. A-34012/01/2012-DE dated 08.10.2012.
4. The ADG(SPN), Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi
- 110001 for kind information
w.r.t. Directorate letter no.45-2/2011-SPB-I, dtd.18.10.2012.
Asst. Director (Rectt)
For CPMG, Orissa Circle
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