Dear Comrade,
Formation of AIPEU – GDS (NFPE) Union
At the outset, I am meeting all of you through this circular with the happy note and message that ‘Let us unite and fight for the justice and emancipation of GDS’ with the cooperation of all departmental employees without any segregation or individualistic attitude. We further pledge you that the GDS money being collected in the form of Quota/donation shall not be misused for personal gains and shall be utilized only for the right cause particularly for their emancipation.
End of Nero’s regime
All of you are very well aware that there is a serious attack on GDS on every issues and Com. S. S. Mahadevaiah General Secretary has done nothing to the GDS except dividing the departmental and GDS employees by his chauvinist attitude and action. He never bothered on settlement of problems and even did not attend the strike negotiations held in seven rounds during June & July 2011.
Not champion! Only an immatured chauvinist
He had neither taken up the cases in a proper manner nor allows the Federation to take up the genuine cases of GDS. He is truncated with the theory of ‘He is above every one’ and even dare to write the Department that no reference from anyone except him should be entertained. When the P3 CHQ and NFPE has released a valuable Book of Compilation on GDS called “Crusader to Gramin Dak Sevak”, instead of appreciating the efforts, he raised objections and released another book just copying all the contents including the printing mistakes and omissions from the GDS Crusader released by the P3 CHQ & NFPE. He even published an open letter against NFPE in his journal “Rural Postal Employees’ in May 2011 maligning the NFPE leadership and showing he is the only champion of GDS employees.
NFPE – the sine-quo-non of GDS
Let us have a realistic analysis about the plight of the GDS Employees after the taking over of Com. S. S. Mahadevaiah as the General Secretary of AIPEDEU at Kaiwara (Karnataka) in the first All India Conference of AIPEDEU. Till Kaiwara conference NFPE was conducting so many struggles for the realization of GDs demands and the following demands have been achieved.
Before the taking over of Com. Mahadevaiah
1. NFPTE raised the demand for departmentalization of GDS in the 1960 & 1968 strikes. The GDS demands were also included in the Charter of demands of 1946 strike by UPTW, the replica of NFPTE.
2. There were no fixed duty hours or fixed consolidated allowance. NFPTE compelled the Government to fix duty hours and consolidated allowance through continuous struggle.
3. There was no Dearness Allowance for GDS. Through struggle NFPTE achieved the demand and DA was granted to GDS.
4. There was no Bonus for GDS. Only because of the strike call given by NFPTE, the Bonus was paid to GDS. Bonus was paid on the same rate as paid to the regular employees.
5. Com. K. Adinarayana former Secretary General of NFPE gave call for one day strike on 19.09.1984 exclusively for the demands of GDS. Interim relief was granted and DA which was stopped was also restored.
6. There was no pay scale, leave, increment, gratuity or retirement benefit to the GDS. NFPE took effort to mobilize all 6 lakhs Postal Employees under the banner of Joint Council of Action (JCA) and the historic 4 days strike of December 1993 was conducted. Resultantly, the Government was compelled to appoint a judicial committee headed by a retired Judge of High Court under the Chairmanship of Justice Charanjeet Talwar.
7. Justice Talwar Committee submitted its report in the year 1997. Government refused to implement the favourable recommendations of the Talwar Committee. NFPE conducted eight (8) days indefinite strike in July 1998 for implementation of Justice Talwar Committee. Again, it gave a call for indefinite strike from Dec 18th 1998.
8. Finally Government was compelled to announce the GDS package in the Parliament on 17.12.1998.
9. Thus TRCA (Pay Scale), Future entitlement (increment), Paid leave, Gratuity and Severance amount etc were granted to GDS. Severance amount to promotees was also granted.
10. All the above demands were achieved by NFPE only. GDS Union was formed n the year 1999 i.e. after the implementation of Talwar Committee report.
11. It was at this stage i.e. in 1999 the GDS All India Union (AIPEDEU) was formed in the 1st AIC at Kaiwara. Com. S. S. Mahadevaiah was elected as the General Secretary of AIPEDEU and he was continuing as General Secretary.
Let us verify what all the gains are for GDS after the taking over of Comrade S. S. Mahadevaiah as the General Secretary.
After taking over charge of Com. Mahadevaiah
No achievement except attacking and blaming NFPE and creating division among the Postal workers.
Not even a single demand of GDS was settled after 1999, i.e. after the taking over of Com. S. S. Mahadevaiah. Immediately on taking over charge he shifted his loyalty to the anti NFPE Group. He went on attacking NFPE. His first enemy is NFPE and not the Government. Even now he is continuing the same malicious propaganda against NFPE. Recently he has published an article written by a retired leader closely connected with anti – NFPE lobby maligning the NFPE and its leadership and describing Com. S. S. Mahadevaiah as the only champion of Postal GDS employees in the “Rural Postal Employees” May 2011 issue!!!
At the same time what has happened to the GDS after 1999 under the leadership of Com. S. S. Mahadevaiah.
1. NFPE decided to boycott the Natarajamurthy Committee. But Com. Mahadevaiah decided to cooperate with the committee and surrendered before the Government. Thus a chance for taking a united approach to boycott was spoiled.
2. 50% merger of DA was denied to GDS by Government. Due to NFPE’s effort 5% TRCA was granted. A delegation of NFPE met Prime Minster with Com. Basudev Acharya, M. P. Mahadevaiah has no role. But he is claiming that he had settled the case. Shame!
3. GDS Bonus has been reduced from 3500/- to 2500/-. Mahadevaiah could not prevent it. But he is blaming NFPE.
4. Government issued orders for combination of duties of GDSMCs and hundreds of posts had been abolished. Mahadevaiah has not raised his voice against it.
5. Department issued order for abolition of thousands of GDSV posts and GDSMM posts. Mahadevaiah could not prevent it.
6. Department issued orders for 25% outside recruitment to the post of Postman and thereby denying the GDS their promotional avenue. Mahadevaiah has done nothing. Only the joint agitation led by NFPE compelled the department to assure that modification will made.
7. Government recently issued orders restricting compassionate appointment to GDS limiting it to 10%. Earlier 100% appointment was given. Mahadevaiah could not do anything. Only the joint agitation led by NFPE compelled the department to revise the orders.
8. Government issued order tightening BPMs work norms. Instead of 1 point for 1000 rupees cash handling, it is raised to 20000/-. Further 1 point of Rs. 45/- rupees stamps sale is raised to Rs. 900/- No points for NREGS work and many other new works. TRCA of BPM is being reduced to minimum. Mahadevaiah don’t bother and also is helpless. Only joint struggle led by NFPE, the Minister assured that it will be reviewed.
9. Now the Dept has amended the GDS (Conduct & Employment) Rules 2001 as GDS (Conduct & Engagement) Rules 2011 and made the GDS appointment only as “Engagement” like casual part time etc. There is no serious protest so far from the GDS All India Union. Com. Mahadevaiah has accepted it and surrendered the hard-won right of GDS.
GDS lost many due to lack of unity
Thus one by one all the benefits achieved by NFPTE/NFPE through struggles are being taken away. But Mahadevaiah is keeping quite. Still he claims that he is the only champion of GDS by rousing the cadre sentiments of GDS against NFPE. Com. Mahadevaiah does not want the unity of Postal employees to advance GDS demands. He always wants disunity. Before the July 2011 strike settlement seven rounds of discussion were held with Postal Board. Com. Mahadevaiah has not attended even in a single negotiation. NFPE leadership argued for GDS and made a break through possible. His strike call in December 2008 yielded nothing but rightly divided the Postal workers is the testimony of his ulterior motive. Because of this type of wicked and narrow minded attitude, GDS are the victims and they are losing heavily, but the Leader is gaining.
Unity spoiled! Resulted delay over one year in implementation of GDS Committee recomendations
He refused to join a joint action against the Government to modify the retrograde recommendation of the Natrajamurthy Committee. NFPE was ready for a joint action of all Postal employees from 6th January 2009. But Mahadevaiah gave sudden call for indefinite strike from 18th December 2008 i.e. 16 days ahead of the date proposed call by NFPE. He divided the Postal Employees and clearly played in the hands of the Government. Thus resulted in unconditional call off the strike on the third day. Nothing was settled. But still he is blaming NFPE for his failure and untimely action. Will he deny the assurances of Postal Board made on 16.12.2008 for implementation of GDS committee recommendations before 31.12.2008 and no establishment norms will be revised? Due to the ill advice of one retired P3 leader he proceeded the strike to show his championship but caused one year delay in settlement of GDS issues. Knowing that Com. Mahadevaiah is against NFPE and the employees are divided, Government started attacking the GDS. Who is responsible for breaking the unity? Who is responsible for allowing the Govt. its “divide and rule” policy? Of course, Com. Mahadevaiah alone is responsible. He acted as an agent of the Postal Board and the Government by breaking the rock like unity built by NFPE.
Is it pension?
No modification in the so-called pension scheme (SDBS) recommended by the Nataraja Murthy committee could be made by Com. Mahdadevaiah. But yet the retired leader says that “Pension” is the achievement of Mahadevaiah. No; not at all. It is result of the struggle conducted by the entire postal employees. When there is nothing at his credit, he wants to take credit for it. Shame!!
Anti – NFPE Propaganda:
1. He is openly declaring that he is not with NFPE and he is running a separate union. He is even objecting the GDS comrades from shouting the slogan “NFPE Zindabad” and printing the NFPE emblem also on flags and banners etc.
2. He is not ready to coordinate with NFPE by accepting the offer of Associate membership of NFPE or by any another form like co-ordinating committee set-up despite the NFPE leadership attempted on several occasions for the unity.
Undemocratic method: Com. Mahadevaiah, never allowed democratic election to change his leadership. At Perumbalur AIC, goondaism was organized and delegates were brutally attacked. In many circles the Divisional disputes are organized by Com. Mahadevaiah and adhoc committees are imposed. In Tamilnadu a candidate for the Circle Secretaryship was man handled by the supporters of Mahadevaiah in his presence. More than 4000 GDS were kept out of membership in Tamilnadu Circle alone.
Looted GDS money! Tips of iceberg!
Apart from the above, there are several financial irregularities in the CHQ accounts.
(i) He is GDS MD, Doorvaninagar – Maximum he can work as postmen in officiating chances with minimum pay for postmen without HRA & TA. Do you know how much he has taken salary from the C.H.Q?
(i) Six months per year, he was forced to work as GDS MD, Doorvaninagar after 2008. He has drawn salary as GDS MD from the department.
(ii) As such what will be his entitlement? (Six months salary maximum at Postmen officiating pay plus six months GDS salary) (i.e) Rs. 196X30 days X 6 months = 35280 + 42000=77280). But do you know how much he has taken from the CHQ. As per his report. For 2010-11, he has taken Rs. 2,59,238 plus conveyance of Rs. 20370/-). For 2009-10, he has taken Rs. 1,94293/- plus conveyance of Rs. 19150/-)
(Pay Commission arrears to G/S & Tr: Rs. 119409 + Rs. 186129 = Rs. 305538. Rs. Three Lakhs, five thousand + more); Oh! God!. Any of you have drawn arrears of GDS committee beyond Rs. 70,000/-
(iii) You go through his accounts submitted in the last AIC! Luxuries and not for GDS The GDS sweat & money is being misused by both the General Secretary & Treasurer.
(iv) There is no accounting for building fund. No where the accounts related to Building funds were furnished.
(v) Total expenditure for two years exceeds 36 lakhs by the CHQ.
(vi) There was a strong news that he has purchased a bungalow costing crores of rupees in proper Bangalore city which is disproportionate to his income.
Manipulations! thy name is Mahadevaiah
When all the irregularities were pointed out by the majority of the delegates, there was no response and attempts were made to hush up the conference with the brute of manipulated voting strength. For examples in Rajasthan there was manipulation to the extent of 46 delegates? Where are they? Similar is the case of Himachal, Punjab & other circles where there is no presence.
Dawn to GDS!
Finally majority of the delegates met in the same venue and decided to form a separate union for GDS with name of All India Postal Employees union – GDS (NFPE) and decided to function under the guidance of P3, & P4 and NFPE leadership by consolidating total unity among the Postal employees. An adhoc body has been constituted to formulate circle/branch unions and there after full pledged All India Conference will be held to elect the office bearers democratically.
List of office bearers
President : Com. Bijay Gopal Sur (West Bengal)
Working Presidents : Com. Pramod Kumar Singh (Uttar Pradesh)
Com. Nirmal Ch. Singh (Orissa)
Vice Presidents : Com. Suprava Pal (North East)
Com. Gana Acharya (Assam)
General Secretary : Com. P. Pandurangarao (Andhra Pradesh)
Dy. General Secretary : Com. R. Dhanraj (Tamilnadu)
Asst. General Secretaries : Com. B. R. Jagadeesh (Karnataka)
Com. K. C. Ramachandran (Tamilnadu)
Financial Secretary : Com. V. Murukan (Kerala)
Asst. Financial Secretary : Com. Balaram Singh Thakur (Madhra Pradesh)
The following decisions have been taken unanimously.
Our immediate task
(i) Approach each and every member of AIPEDE Union and explain the position and enroll them as members of the newly formed union.
(ii) Submitting withdrawal of membership form from AIPEDE Union from each membership to DDO/Divisional head (As per Dte. letter no. 13-2/94, SR (Vol II dt. 18.09.1995, any one wants to withdraw his declaration, he may give an application in that effect to the DDO, who will accept such request with future effect. No recovery of subscription will be made thereafter).
(iii) Approach all members to obtain declaration from each member for our union.
(iv) Will conduct a Monthly/Bimonthly journal called as “GDS Crusader’, with the subscription of Rs.5/- per copy.
(v) Draft constitution of the union will be compiled and forwarded to all circles/divisions.
(vi) Request the assistance/help of P3/P4 divisional secretaries of NFPE in respect of all divisions in obtaining more membership forms and also to guide the office bearers since the GDS union has been decided to function under the guidance of P3, P4 leadership of NFPE.
(vii) Requesting all the members who are in no contact with the office bearers to contact the General Secretary & others in guiding them to form branches and started functioning of divisional/circle levels, where the GDS members are being kept in darkness by the erstwhile leadership.
AIPEU GDS – launched its website & office
Our union has launched its website today and Com. M. Krishnan Secretary General put his first message. We will update the website regularly. Website is
Similarly, one e-mail ID has been created for the CHQ for the regular contacts with all GDS comrades. The e-mail ID of CHQ is:
The GDS CHQ will shortly start function at the Headquarters temporarily from the P3 CHQ head quarters. All correspondences may please be made to the following address.
Com. P. Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS (NFPE), Central Head Quarters, Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Road, New Delhi - 110008
An appeal to all the P3/P4 Divisional Secretaries
We are in the initial stage of formation. We can advance only with your co-operation only. Many GDS divisional secretaries are still in dark about the developments. We fervently request you to appraise the existing GDS union secretaries to join the main stream and strengthen this organisation. In case of non acceptance, kindly choose some good and efficient comrades for the Post of Divisional/Circle Secretaries who shall be a dedicated cadre belong to NFPE and send their Home address and Bio date to CHQ. So that we can approach them for the formation of branches of all levels.
We seek you cooperation and assure that we will work jointly under the banner of NFPE.
An Appeal
All are requested to kindly extend all their possible efforts for the growth of our union. We will function under the guidance of NFPE. The withdrawal application from the membership of AIPEDE union and declaration from to AIPEU GDS (NFPE) unions are enclosed herewith.
The Superintendent/SSPOs,
........…………………………… Division
I ………………………………………………………………………… (Name and Designation), having submitted earlier letter of authorisation for membership in favour of the AIPEDE union may please be treated as withdrawn. The union subscription recovery being recovered to AIPEDE union may please stopped forthwith.
I decide to become member of All India Postal Employees Union – GDS (NFPE). I hereby authorize for the deduction of monthly subscription at the rate of Rs. Ten per month from my salary starting from the month of July 2012 payable on 31.07.2012 and authorise its payment to above mentioned service union.
Signature ……………………………………..
Station Name
Date Designation
_____________________________________________________________________ under order of Ministry of Communications & IT, Department of Posts vide letter No. 13/02/2010-SR dated 05.02.2010)
Designation of Divisional Head
I, ______________________________________ (Name & Designation) being a Member of All India Postal Employees Union – GDS (NFPE) (Name of Association of GDSs) hereby authorize deduction of monthly subscription of Rs. 10/- per month from my TRCA starting from the month of July 2012 payable on 31.07.2012 and authorize its payment to the above mentioned service Association.
I hereby certify that I have not submitted authorization in favour of any other Association of GDS. If the above information is found incorrect, I fully understand that my authorization for the Association becomes invalid.
Signature __________________________
Station: -
Dated: -
To be filled by the Association
It is certified that Shri/Smt__________________________________ is a Member of All India Postal Employees Union – GDS (NFPE) (Name of Association of GDS)
It is further certified that the above authorize has been signed by Shri/Smt ____________________________________ in my presence.
Signature __________________________________
Name (in Capital) ____________________________
Of authorized Office bearer ____________________
Name (in Capital)
Of the member
Divisional Head’s Attestation
Let us work very hard to regain our past glory and mitigate the genuine demands of the GDS with proper coordination with NFPE and all departmental staff by respecting each other and build rock like unity for the emancipation and upliftment of GDS comrades.
Let us move further to achieve our goal of emancipation of GDS from the clutches of the Central Government and also from the corruption, and exploitation from the Trade Union Zamindar.
With fraternal greetings,
Comradely yours,
(P. Pandudranagarao)
General Secretary
Posted by: AIPEU,GDS(NFPE), Odisha Circle.
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