Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ref. No. GDS/CHQ/1A/Resolution/2010                                Dated. 10-12- 2010


The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110001.

Sub.:                     Resolution on Policy and Program – Reg.


          A resolution adopted in the Central Working Committee meeting of A.I.P.E.D.E.U. held at Historical City of Warangal A.P. Circle from 5-12-2010 to 7-12-2010 on the subject is forwarded herewith.

          You are requested kindly to consider the views put forth in the resolution and cause to issue necessary orders accordingly.

          With high regards,
 Yours faithfully
D.A. (1)
 General Secretary

Resolutions on Policy & Programme

The present National political scenario is divesting discouraging we never heard in the recent past that the parliament has been observed pandemonium and consequently adjourned more than15 days without transacting and consensus.

The local ground fast this ugly episode was that Malpractice took places in allotment of 2G Spectrum in Tele Communication lay, The UPA Government. The other vulnerable episode is Corruption in organising and building Common Wealth Sports, Aadrash building Construction and allotment of flats etc. The ruling UPA Government took the deeds in allot ment of Govt funds etc to individuals related to ruling party Ministers both in Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh. The innocent poor Common Man has been left in street in lurch. The Corruption, malpractices have become the order of the day.

The American economy which is said to be the further and another for Liberalisation privatasation and Globalisation policies met with severe set backs and the financial institutions and Banks in the contrary declined bank crupsy. The Countries which followed the policies of USA also met with same calamity

The economy in India is stated to be in sound position which motivated foreigners to invest in India trades etc. This is only due to the left parties which supported the UPA Government besides brocking UPA Government steps forwards LPG

After re-election of Mr. Manmohan Sigh's Govt. without the Support the left parties, is following the L.P.G with an unbridled horse which power the way fast the rich people to become more rich. The online Trade increased the cost of Commodities which the common people to use for these everyday walk of life, We could site the cases of Daals, oils etc. The automatic petrol price like has further developed the increases in cast of living. Ultimately people in middle classes family and those labourers below poverty line could not face sky marketing price vise in our country.

The working classes have no other option but to oppose the Govt. policies which resulted alarmingly endangering the living conditions of common citizens in which GDS employees also a part to do their share. This Central Working Committee feels and decides that we must built a strong unity among own working class and join struggles organized by other central unions to fight against the onslaughts unleashed on working class and the citizens of India

The Department of Posts is always putting a deaf-ear-to our demand of regularization of GDS employees (i.e. ) status of Govt. Servant to GDS employees, which has became a mirrage all along these years.

The Department has come forward with the proposal for extending (a) Medical facilities and Service Discharge benefits Scheme for payment of pension to GDS employees. Although the Schemes require much modification to suite GDS employees, we welcome the proposals.

As regards Promotional avenues, the present promotion of GDS to postman Could not living Un-uniform to all GDS employees. The GDS employees in cities or adjoining to cities are getting postman promotions in good number While other GDS in remote areas could not get such postman promotions. It may pus be seen that inequality prevails in this case. This should be got removed.

Similarly the promotion of GDS to Group-D has become a stand still in our Department. The Department is considering to upgrade the Group-D post as multitasked Employees Consequent to the 6th CPC. The recruitment rules are being modified to that extent. The Condition of Tenth pass should be removed so that all the GDS employees could be considered for MSE promotion.

In the case of selection for Postal Assistants posts, the present age condition should be removed. Further the willing GDS employees may be allowed to sit for the Examination along with the LGOS irrespective of percentage of marks secured in +2 in the LGOS examination, the preference may be given to LGOS and the unfilled vacancies Thrown open to GDS after the prescribed in training computers etc.

Apart from the above, the three promotions as per regular employees (viz) MACP should be made applicable to GDS employees also which would pave the way for uniformity in the field of promotion.

As regards House rent Allowance, it is our long pending demand that all the GDS employees should be paid at par with regular employees like HBA, GPF, Festival, Scooter advance etc should also be paid to all GDS employees.

The case of leave facilities, it should be further improved at par with regular employees and in terms and FR & SR etc ruling made applicable to GDS employees also.

In fact all GDS employees are working more than 5 hrs daily and deserve to get There TRCA fixed for eight hour duty as par with regular employees.

Although the Supreme Court of our Country had given Judgment the GDS employees also entitled to get payment of DCRG at par with regular employees and statutory Pension rules. The Department of Posts is refusing to extend full benefits under this scheme to GDS employees. The attitude of the Department is disappointing.

Similarly in the case of Bonus, although the Ministry of Finance did not discriminate the Bonus to the paid to regular and GDS employees, the Department of Posts hand arbitrarily reduced the Bonus ceiling from Rs. 3500/- to Rs. 2500/- for GDS employees. This shows the step motherly treatment shown Department of Posts. The appeal made By the Department against the decision of CAT, Chennai to pay Rs.3500/- to GDS has been rejected by Hon'ble Court of Chennai and other Courts also.

As regards tightening of norms, without consulting the staff side the Department had unilaterally revised the norms for calculating the workload with regards to cash handling one point for every Rs.1000/-  into Rs.20,000/-. This is nothing but breaking the GDS BPMs below the belt. The CHQ has been confronting with the administration to reduce this severity with futile results. In this meanwhile some circles, have gone to CATs and get stay orders against the implementation of the same.

The earned facility of availing L.W.A. to remain at Head Quarters by the General Secretary has been cancelled by the administration. The same has not yet been restored. The Trade Union Facilities have not yet been fully extended to GDS Union from top to bottom. This should be made available for each and every one serving in the Department.

The Department of Post is considering to implement computers in Branch offices and the Technology Department is proposing to bring out that effect. In the interest of rural public we welcome this proposal of Department with an overall hope that the GDS employees would also be adequately enhanced with TRCA etc. It is not out of place to state here that the GDS employees are responsible for postal net work to be concede out in rural areas. Similarly the GDS employees plays a vital role in securing major portion of investment in small savings in the Department of Posts. More than 80% of Deposit are made in rural post offices. It proper accounting is made as in the case of nationals Banks (i.e) commission is paid by the Ministry of Finance forwards small saving schemes, The much claimed loss in our Department could be off set considerably.

It is also pertinent to mention here that the IRDA has since approved the Insurance business in our Department, Provisionally, about Rs.10,000/- Crores have been in deposit under the head PLI/RPLI. In the recent years securing of RPLI policies gained momentum, each GDS employees is collecting RPLI polices to the tun of several lakhs of Rupees (i.e) minimum 30 lakhs per year, the total business in this sector would be one lakh Crores every year earning crores and crores of Rupecs by way of RPLI premium. In addition to this we are procuring PLI/RPLI business also which alsoearns income by way of PLI premium. It both the premia put together, the total in this field would cross more than Rs.30,000/- crores. It this factor is taken into account, towards income and cost, we could proudly claim that we are remaining our Department of Posts profitably and thus
would be entitle to get all the benefit as enjoyed by the employees working in LIC of India etc.

This Central Working Committee Meeting of AIPEDEU held at Warangal from 5-12-2010 to 7-12-2010 after indepth the discussion of GDS employees problems unanimously resolves to demand the following for the settlement of GDS employees.

1.        Grant "Status/Regularisation as Government Servant" to GDS employees.
Implement Supreme Court Judgement for payment of DCRG and pension to all GDS employees.

(i)         Minimum Quantum of pension to be paid should be indicated in the Service Discharge Benefit Scheme.
(ii)       Contribution from GDS should also be accepted.
(iii)      Family Pension Scheme at par with regular employees be introduced for GDS also.
(iv)       Grant all retirement benefits effect from 1-1-2006 
2.                  Grant Leave Facilities at par with regular employees.

(i)        Casual leave
(ii)       Earned leave
(iii)      Half pay leave
(iv)      Commuted leave
(v)       Child Care leave
(vi)      Maternity leave at par with regular employees

3.         Accord promotion under MACP to GDS employees.
4.         (i)      Remove age condition for appearing PA exam.
(ii)          All GDS employees to appear for LGO examination promotion
              of PAs along with Postman etc irrespective of +2 Qualification.
(iii)            Fill in GDS employees against the unfilled vacancies of LGO's.
(iv)            Instead of Dictation test for postman exam. Introduce essay writing in local regional language.

5.  Grant facilities
(a)             Grant insurance cases to employees in Nuxal/Extremist area.
(b)            (i)    House Rent Allowance
  (ii)   Hill Allowance/Uttrakhand allowance.
(iii)      Children's Eduction Allowance
(iv)      Medical facilities including after retirement.
(v)       SDA to Assam and North East GDS employees
6.   Fix office with minimum of 5 Hours workload
     (i)  Fix time factor to PLI, RPLI
     (ii) Fix time factor for Electricity Bill, water Bill etc.
7.   Fill up all vacant posts of Group-D
     (i) In all Post offices including circle office etc.
     (ii) In all RMS offices.
8.       Fill up all Vacant GDS Posts.
    (i) Substitutes of GDS has be paid with TRCA from 1-1-2006.
9.         Grant all Trade Union facilities to GDS Union at all leads and its office leaves
           including  foreign Service to Chief executives from Circle to All India.

(i)            Inclsion in JCM  (ii) Periodical Meeting

10.       Grant leave and advances (i) HBA (ii) Scooter advance (iii) Festival advance (iv) GPF
(v) co-operative society

11.       Grant Rs.3500/- ceiling as Bonus to GDS employees.
12.       Remove tightening of norms for GDS BPMs (i.e) Rs.20,000/- cash to earn one point and to   
            allow status Quo Ante.
13.       Grant Transfers to GDS without affecting the yearly increases earned by them.
14.       Grant of TA/DA for organizing training camps besides ensuring weekly off on Sundays.
15.       Grant compassionate appointments to GDS within three months.
16.       Grant cash conveyance allowance to GDS and also to escorts.

            To achieve the above demands this CWC decides the following agitational programmes:

i)             Countrywide action and submission of memorandum                         11-01-2011

ii)            Hunger fast by all office bearers at Div. HQs                                            08-02-2011

iii)           Dharna at Regional HQ on                                                                 23-03-2011

iv)          State Level convention during month of May 2011

v)            All India Convention during  July/August 2011

vi)          Direct industrial action :

This Central Working Committee further authorized the General Secretary to fix the day and date of agitational programmes in consultation with the JCA for the realization of our demands.
This Central Working Committee further resolves and direct all divisional/Circle Secretaries to ensure participation of minimum of ten member from each divisional branches to attend the all India Convention.

It is also further resolves to direct all the Circle Secretaries to mobilize good number for participation in 23rd February 2011 march to Parliament programme.

Dated 07-12-2010                                                                                        Sd/-
Warangal (A.P)                                                                                          President

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