Friday, December 31, 2010

Orissa Dak Parivar Wishing a Happy and Prosperous New Year to All the Postal Staffs and GDS Staffs.
A Compilation of POSB orders issued by the Directorate from the year 2007

Dear Comrades,
A compilation (202 Pages) of POSB orders issued by the Directorate from the year 2007 is placed here for the information of the members. This compilation consisting of orders from 01/01/2007 to 31/12/2010 related to POSB.It is advised to take a Printout of the same and make it Book binding and use it as a Hand Book of POSB Rulings. In this Compilation almost all the latest rulings are covered in respect of POSB branch.It is most Usefull to the Members and Staff working in the Savings Bank Branch.

Department  Issued  Orders to Filling up of GDS posts in Branch Post Offices – review of guideline regarding
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(GDS Section)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001.

No. 17-103/2007-GDS                                                 Dated : 29 Dec 2010


          All Chief Postmaster General
All Postmaster General

Subject:- Filling up of GDS posts in Branch Post Offices – review of guideline regarding


Reference in invited to this Directorate letter No. even dated 14th Jul 2009 on the subject cited above which provided for the manner of filling up of GDS vacant posts in single handed branch offices and branch post offices having two or more hands.

2.            Provisional appointment for a brief may be resorted to only on account of sudden death, dismissal, removal, put off duty, absorption against the departmental post of Gramin Dak Sevaks and unauthorized absence for long period in case regular arrangements cannot be made immediately.

3.            In the case of posts falling vacant due to discharge form service of the GDS BPM or absorption of the GDS BPM on the regular departmental posts, efforts should first be made to fill up the posts by adjusting identified surplus GDS fulfilling the prescribed qualification & other prescribed conditions failing which action should be taken in advance to fill the vacant post of GDS BPM on a regular basis by following the prescribed procedure and following other conditions prescribed under letter No. 17-103/2007-GDS dated 14 Jul 2009. The list of all the GDS, category wise, due to be discharged from service in calendar year may also be displayed on the Department's website in the month January of each calendar year.

This issues with the approval of competent authority.
Yours faithfully,
(AK Sharma)
Deputy Director General (Estt.)
Phone No. 011-23096098
Copy to:-
          As per mailing list

No. 180 16/3/2010-Estt. (I)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

North Block, New Delhi.
Dated, the 28th  December, 2010

Sub:  Special concessions/facilities to Central Government Employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached / subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the           control of Central Government.

            The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department of even Number dated 15.3.2010 extending the Special concessions / facilities to Central Government Employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached / subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control or Central Government, for the period with effect from 1.1.2010 to 3 1.12.2010 and to say that the Annexure attached with the OM stands partially modified to include the Notes. The Annexure as modified is attached herewith.
(Simmi R. Nakra)
Director (P&A)

All Ministries/Departments of the Government of India.
(As per standard mailing list)


Details of package of Concession/Facilities to Central Government employees working in Kashmir Valley in Attached/Subordinate Offices or PSUs falling under the control of
Central Government:-

I.          Additional H.R.A. and other concessions:

(A)         Employees posted to Kashmir Valley

(i)         These employees have an option to move their families to a selected place of      their choice in India at Government expense. T.A. for the families allowed as          admissible in permanent transfer inclusive of transportation of personal effects, lump-sum payment
            for packing etc.

(ii)        Departmental arrangements for stay, security and transportation to place of work             for employees.

(iii)       HRA as for Class 'A' city applicable for employees exercising option at (i). Such
            employees will be eligible for drawing the normal HRA as well at their place of
            posting provided Departmental arrangement is not made for his/her stay.

(iv)       The period of temporary duty extended to six months. For period of temporary      duty daily allowance at full rate is admissible, apart from departmental             arrangements for stay, security and transportation.

(B)       Employees posted to Kashmir Valley who do not wish to move their families to a selected place of residence;

            A per diem allowance of Rs. 10/- is paid for each day of attendance to        compensate for any additional expense in transportation to and from office etc.    This will be in addition to the transport allowance, which the employee is           otherwise eligible for under Ministry of Finance order No. 21(2)/2008-E.II(B)     dated 29.8.1008.


            Messing Allowance to be paid to the employees at a uniform rate of Rs. 15/- per day by all Departments, or in lieu messing arrangements to be made by the Departments themselves. This rate of allowance will have to be adhered to uniformly by all the Ministries/Departments with effect from 01.07.1999. The slightly higher rate of Rs. 25.50 adopted by the Department of Telecom and Posts and allowed to be continued as a special case by the Department of Personnel in consultation with the Ministry of Finance, would, however, continue to be paid at the said rate.


            As a purely temporary measure, the employees migrated from the Kashmir Valley are accommodated to the extent possible in the available vacancies under the respective Ministries/Departments in offices located outside but adjacent to the union Territory of Delhi.


            Arrangements were made for payment of leave salary for the period upto 30' April, 1990 in respect of employees who may not have received their emoluments after migration. Such employees were allowed to be given either leave salary at the minimum of the scale or some adhoc financial assistance as an advance to be adjusted from their dues after they join duty. Further the migrant employees who were unable to join their respective places of posting in the Valley due to the prevailing circumstances, were extended this facility till they were adjusted in accordance with (iii) above.


            In August, 1992, it was decided that the period of migration of a Central Government employee, who migrated from Kashmir Valley in view of the disturbed conditions would be treated as Earned leave to the extent which may have been due to him on the date of proceeding for migration. However, the position was reviewed by the Ministry of Personnel in April, 1997 and if was decided that the Earned Leave which was at the credit of the Central Government migrant employee at the time of migration will not be adjusted against the migration period, but will remain available for the purpose of leave encashment on the date of their retirement in respect of the employees who had already retired or would retire in future. The period of absence would however count in the service for the purpose of pension, but shall not count for earning any kind of leave. During the period of absence, a migrant employee is entitled to his pay (excluding special pay and local allowances) dearness allowance, which he would have been otherwise paid from time to time including benefit of increment had he reported for duty immediately after expiry of his Earned leave.


            Pensioners of Kashmir Valley who are unable to draw their monthly pensions through either Public Sector Banks or PA0 treasuries from which they were receiving their pensions, would be given pensions outside the Valley where they have settled, in relaxation of relevant provisions.

NOTE:- I. The package of concession/facilities shall be admissible in Kashmir Valley     comprising of six districts, namely Ananhag, Baramulla, Budgam, Kupwara,    Pulwama and Srinagar.

            2. The package of concession/facilities shall be admissible to Temporary Status Casual labourers working in Kashmir Valley in terms of para 5(i) of the Casual            Labourers (Grant of Temporary Status and Regularization) Scheme of   Government of India. 1993.

            3. The benefit of additional HRA admissible under the Kashmir Valley package   shall be admissible to all Central Government employees posted to Kashmir           Valley irrespective of whether they are natives of Kashmir Valley, if they choose       to move their families anywhere in India subject to the conditions governing the         grant of these allowances.

            4. The facilities of Messing Allowance and Per Diem allowance shall also be       allowed to natives of Kashmir Valley in terms of the Kashmir Valley package.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Issue of Individual Plastic Cards to CGHS Beneficiary-Guide Lines to Pensioner beneficiaries

Dear Comrades,
Department of Health issued fresh guide lines to Pensioner CGHS beneficiaries vide Memo no.6024/2007/CGHS(HQ)/CGHS(P) dated 27/12/2010. The same is placed here for the information of the members.

Replacement of Rule-87 of POSB Manual Vol-I and Rule 50 of POSB MAnual Vol-II-New Procedure for POSB Claims settlement to be followed from 01/01/2011


Reinvestment of Maturity value - Fresh Guide lines issued by the Directorate



 N F P E  C I R C U L R

PF. No. 01(e)/4/201                                                      Dated: 28th  December , 2010

  All General Secretaries, NFPE Office Bearers,
    Circle Secretaries of all affiliated Unions
 Dear Comrades!
  Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers has decided to organize Women's Convention at Kolkata from 7th to 8th February-2011. All General Secretaries and Circle Secretaries are requested to mobilize and ensure participation of Women delegates as per quota given below as per decision of Federal Executive held at Hyderabad on 10.10.2010.
 P-III-15,          P-IV-12,          R-III & R-IV- 10 each,          Admn-2,
Postal Acconts-2    ,          SBCO-1 & Civil Wing-1
 2.         MARCH TO PARLIAMENT ON 23rd  FEBRUARY-2011:
 All Central Trade Unions and Confederation of C.G. Employees and Workers have decided to organize March to Parliament on 23rd February-2011 on the Common Demands of employees and workers. NFPE is the main constituent of Confederation and therefore, it is required the participation of members in thousands of numbers. All General Secretaries and Circle Secretaries of all affiliated unions are requested to mobilize and ensure maximum participation of members. All the surrounding Circles and Divisions of Delhi are required to take part in large number so that the programme of March to Parliament may be made grand success.
  With greetings
Secretary General NFPE

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

CHQ CIRCULAR. We are furnishing hereunder some recent developments concerning the postal employees in general and GDS employees in particular.

No.GDS/CHQ/1/5/2010                      Dated 24-12-2010
All Circle Secretaries/Divisional Secretaries/Branch Secretaries
All Members of the CWC AIPEDEU

Dear Comrades,

We are furnishing hereunder some recent developments concerning the postal employees in general and GDS employees in particular.

Central Working Committee MEETING
          I am happy to inform you that this Central Working Committee Meeting of AIPEDEU was held at Historical City of Warangal from 5-12-2010 to 7-12-2010 under the president ship of Com. D. N. Giri President CHQ.  The C.W.C. open session was held on 05-12-2010 and inaugurated by Com M. Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE, and the open session was addressed and addressed by Com Sathyanarayana, General Secretary, Postal Accounts, Com. P. Suresh General Secretary, R-IV, Com. Pratap Reddy, Chairman Reception Committee, Com. B.G. Tamhankar, former President, NFPE, Com. G.S. Asiwal Ex AGS P –III, CHQ (M.P. Circle), Com. D.P. Diwakar, Com. Sampat Rao C/S BSNL, Com. Ramchandran President, Admin. Union chq, Com. D.A.S.V.Prasad, Circle Secretary P-III, Com. S. Humayun, President P-IV CHQ, Com.R.J.Madhusudanarao, Circle Secretary, R-III, Com. S. Kumar Swamy, Ex. Circle Secretary A.I.P.E.D.E.U, Com. B.V. Rao, President, A.P. Com. P. Panduranga Rao, C/S A.P,  Com. Bhupendrasingh (Thau)(Ex-Circle Secretary, Uttarakhand), Com. Y. Nagabushanam, Ex. Circle Secretary, R-III, Com. N. Sammaiah General Secretary Reception Committee, Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah General Secretary and others Local Leaders.

          The Warangal Divisional Reception Committee, Andhra Pradesh Circle Leaders and Comrades had made elaborate arrangements for successful conduct the CWC Meeting. Our sincere gratitude to the Organizers and all those who are instrumental in this historic event.
          The C.W.C. members who have attended the meeting debated and deliberated the issues at length.  After fruitful discussions, the C.W.C. adopted valuable resolutions on the issues confronting the GDS employees.

Resolutions on Policy & Programme

        The present National political scenario is divesting discouraging we never heard in the recent past that the parliament has been observed pandemonium and consequently adjourned more than15 days without transacting and consensus.

        The local ground fast this ugly episode was that malpractice took place in allotment of 2G Spectrum in Tele Communication laid, the UPA Government. The other vulnerable episode is Corruption in organising and building Common Wealth Sports, Aadrash building Construction and allotment of flats etc. The ruling UPA Government took the deeds in allotment of Govt funds etc to individuals related to ruling party Ministers both in Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh. The innocent poor Common Man has been left in street in lurch. The Corruption, malpractices have become the order of the day.

        The American economy which is said to be the further and another for Liberalisation privatasation and Globalisation policies met with severe set backs and the financial institutions and Banks in the contrary declined bankrupsy. The Countries which followed the policies of USA also met with same calamity

        The economy in India is stated to be in sound position which motivated foreigners to invest in Indian trades etc. This is only due to the left parties which supported the UPA Government besides brocking UPA Government steps towards LPG

        After re-election of Mr. Manmohan Singh's Govt. without the support of the left parties, is following the L.P.G with an unbridled horse which power the way fast the rich people to become richer. The online Trade increased the cost of commodities which the common people to use for these everyday walks of life, we could cite the cases of Daals, oils etc. The automatic petrol price like has further developed the increases in cost of living. Ultimately people in middle classes family and those labourers below poverty line unable not face sky marketing price rise in our country.

        The working class has no other option but to oppose the Govt. policies which resulted alarmingly endangering the living conditions of common citizens in which GDS employees are also a part to do their share. This Central Working Committee feels and decides that we must build a strong unity amongst working class and joint struggles organized by other central unions to fight against the onslaughts unleashed on working class and the citizens of India

        The Department of Posts is always turns a deaf-ear towards our demand of regularization of GDS employees i.e, status of Govt. Servant to GDS employees, which has became a mirrage all along these years.

        The Department has come forward with the proposal for extending (a) Medical facilities and Service Discharge benefits Scheme for payment of pension to GDS employees. Although the Schemes require much modification to suit GDS employees, we welcome the proposals.

        As regards Promotional avenues, the present promotional avenues of GDS to postman is not uniform to all GDS employees. The GDS employees in cities or adjoining to cities are getting postman promotions in good number while other GDS in remote areas hardly get such postman promotions. This inequality should be removed.

        Similarly the promotion of GDS to MTS (Group'D') has become a stand still in our Department. The Department is considering upgradation Group-D post as multi tasking staff consequent on 6th CPC. The recruitment rules are being modified to that extent. The Condition of Tenth pass should be removed so that all the GDS employees could be considered for Postmen/MTS promotion.

        In the case of selection for Postal Assistants' posts, the present age condition should be removed. Further the willing GDS employees may be allowed to sit for the Examination along with the LGOs irrespective of percentage of marks secured in +2 in the LGOs examination, the preference may be given to LGOs and the unfilled vacancies thrown open to GDS after the prescribed in training computers etc.

        Apart from the above, the three promotions as per regular employees (viz) MACP should be made applicable to GDS employees also which would pave the way for uniformity in the field of promotion.

        As regards House Rent Allowance, it is our long pending demand that all the GDS employees should be paid at par with regular employees like HBA, GPF, Festival, Scooter advance etc.

        The case of leave facilities, it should be further improved at par with regular employees and in terms and FR & SR etc ruling made applicable to GDS employees also.

        In fact all GDS employees are working more than 5 hrs daily and deserve to get their TRCA fixed for eight hour duty at par with regular employees.

        Although the Supreme Court of our country had given Judgment the GDS employees are also entitled to get payment of DCRG at par with regular employees and statutory Pension rules. The Department of Posts is refusing to extend full benefits under this scheme to GDS employees. The attitude of the Department is disappointing.

        Similarly in the case of Bonus, although the Ministry of Finance did not discriminate Bonus to be paid to regular and GDS employees, the Department of Posts had arbitrarily reduced the Bonus ceiling from Rs. 3500/- to Rs. 2500/- for GDS employees. This shows the step motherly treatment shown of Department of Posts. The appeal made by the Department against the decision of CAT, Chennai and various CATs and High Court, Tamil Nadu to pay Rs.3500/- to GDS has been rejected. 

        As regards tightening of norms, without consulting the staff side the Department had unilaterally revised the norms for calculating the workload with regards to cash handling one point for every Rs.1000/-  into Rs.20,000/-. This is nothing but breaking the GDS BPMs below the belt. The CHQ has been confronting with the administration to reduce this severity with futile results. In this meanwhile some circles, have gone to CATs and get stay orders against the implementation of the same.

        The earned facility of availing L.W.A. to remain at Head Quarters by the General Secretary has been cancelled by the administration. The same has not yet been restored. The Trade Union Facilities have not yet been fully extended to GDS Union from top to bottom. This should be made available for each and every one serving in the Department.

        The Department of Post is considering implementing computers in Branch offices and the Technology Department is proposing to bring out that effect. In the interest of rural public we welcome this proposal of Department with an overall hope that the GDS employees would also be adequately enhanced with TRCA etc. It is not out of place to state here that the GDS employees are responsible for postal net work in rural areas. Similarly the GDS employee plays a vital role in securing major portion of investment in small savings in the Department of Posts. More than 80% of Deposits are made in rural post offices. If proper accounting is made as in the case of nationals Banks i.e., commission is paid by the Ministry of Finance towards small saving schemes, the much claimed loss in our Department could be off set considerably.

It is also pertinent to mention here that the IRDA has since approved the Insurance business in our Department, Provisionally, about Rs.10,000/- Crore have been in deposit under the head PLI/RPLI. In the recent years securing of RPLI policies gained momentum, each GDS employees is collecting RPLI polices to the tune of several lakhs of Rupees (i.e) minimum 30 lakhs per year, the total business in this sector would be one lakh Crores every year earning crores and crores of Rupees by way of RPLI premium. In addition to this we are procuring PLI/RPLI business also which also earns income by way of PLI premium. It both the premia put together, the total in this field would cross more than Rs.30,000/- crores. If this factor is taken into account, towards income and cost, we could proudly claim that we are remaining in our Department of Posts profitably and thus would be entitled to get all the benefits as enjoyed by the employees working in LIC of India etc.

        This Central Working Committee Meeting of AIPEDEU held at Warangal from 5-12-2010 to 7-12-2010 after indepth the discussion of GDS employees problems unanimously resolves to demand the following for the settlement of GDS employees.

1.       Grant "Status/Regularisation as Government Servant" to GDS employees.
Implement Supreme Court Judgement for payment of DCRG and pension to all GDS employees.
(i)        Minimum Quantum of pension has to be paid as indicated in the Service Discharge Benefit   
(ii)       Contribution from GDS should also be accepted.
(iii)      Family Pension Scheme at par with regular employees is to be introduced for GDS also.
(iv)      Grant all retirement benefits with effect from 1-1-2006 
1.         Grant Leave Facilities at par with regular employees.
(i)        Casual leave
(ii)       Earned leave
(iii)      Half pay leave
(iv)      Commuted leave
(v)       Child Care leave
(vi)      Maternity leave at par with regular employees
3.        Accord promotion under MACP to GDS employees.
4.       (i)         Remove age condition for appearing PA exam.
(ii)        All GDS employees to appear for LGO examination promotion of PAs along
   with Postman etc irrespective of +2 Qualification.
(iii)       Fill in GDS employees against the unfilled vacancies of LGO's.
(iv)       Instead of Dictation test for postman exam. Introduce essay writing in regional language.
5.        Grant facilities
(a)             Grant insurance cover to GDS in Nuxal/Extremist area.
(b)            (i)    House Rent Allowance
        (ii)   Hill Allowance/Uttrakhand allowance.
(iii)    Children's Education Allowance.
(iv)    Medical facilities including after retirement.
(v)     SDA to Assam and North East GDS employees.
6.         Fix office with minimum of 5 Hours workload
     (i)     Fix time factor to PLI, RPLI
     (ii)    Fix time factor for collection of Electricity Bill, water Bill etc.
7.         Fill up all vacant posts of Group-D
     (i)    In all Post offices including circle office etc.
     (ii)   In all RMS offices.
8.          Fill up all Vacant GDS Posts.
    (i)    Substitutes of GDS has be paid with TRCA from 1-1-2006.
9.       Grant all Trade Union facilities to GDS Union at all leads and its office leaves including Foreign Service to Chief executives from Circle to All India.
    (i)      Inclusion in JCM (ii) Periodical Meeting
10.     Grant all advances viz., (i) HBA (ii) Scooter advance (iii) Festival advance    
(iv) GPF (v) co-operative society
11.     Grant Rs.3500/- ceiling as Bonus to GDS employees.
12.     Remove tightening of norms for GDS BPMs (i.e) Rs.20,000/- cash to earn one point,stamp sale and to allow status Quo Ante.
13.     Grant Transfers to GDS without affecting the yearly increases earned by them.
14.     Grant of TA/DA for organizing training camps besides ensuring weekly off on Sundays.
15.     Grant compassionate appointments to GDS within three months.
16.     Grant cash conveyance allowance to GDS and also to escorts.

            To achieve the above demands this CWC decides the following agitational programmes:

i)           Countrywide action and submission of memorandum                   18-01-2011
ii)           Hunger fast by all office bearers at Div. HQs                             10-02-2011
iii)          Dharna at Regional HQ on                                                          23-03-2011
iv)          State Level convention during month of May 2011
v)           All India Convention during July/August 2011
vi)          Direct industrial action:

This Central Working Committee further authorized the General Secretary to fix the day and date of agitational programmes in consultation with the JCA for the realization of our demands.
This Central Working Committee further resolves and direct all divisional/Circle Secretaries to ensure participation of minimum of ten member from each divisional branches to attend the all India Convention.
It is also further resolves to direct all the Circle Secretaries to mobilize good number for participation in 23rd February 2011 march to Parliament programme.

Strengthen the organization:
The CWC discussed and resolved further strengthen the organization at all levels. We request all our branch and divisional secretaries to take all necessary steps to improve membership and organize in such a manner to uplift our organization to higher levels to do better service to the members who are our masters.
LOGO for our union is unveiled
In our CWC held at Warangal a separate LOGO has designed and unveiled by our All India President Com. D.N.Giri. Our CHQ requesting the suggestions / modifications to be made to the LOGO, if necessary.
Promotional Avenue for GDS
Multi Tasking Staff (Group.D) recruitment rules and Postman recruitment rules are going to be finalized and will be released shortly. Law Ministry approved the recruitment rules for Multi tasking Staff (Gr.D) and the Gazette publication will be under process; could be expected in a fortnight. Postman and Mail Guard recruitment rules are also cleared by DoPT, Gazette notification and Hindi translation is under process and the same will expected soon.

India Post Presentation on Technological Developments
Presentation on Technological Developments in Department of Posts was held on 23.11.2010 in the presence of Ms Radhika Doraiswamy. Chairman Postal Board, Ms Manjula Parasar Member (O) Shri S. Samant Member (Technology) Ms Kavari Banarjia DDG (PO&CP), Shri A.K. Sharma DDG(Estt.), Shri Das DDG PMU/DDG (Tech), Ms Aruna Jain DDG (Tiring), Shri Subash Chandra Director( SR)The Staff side was represented by all General Secretaries of All India Unions and Secretary Generals of Federations. The presentation was elaborately dealt with the vast changes that are going to take place in the Department of Posts due to large scale induction of Information and communication Technology (ICT). A budget of Rs. 1800 crores has been earmarked for the project which is to be completed by the year end of 2013.The vast network and infrastructure of India Post, have already enabled it to become the preferred point of inter face between Government and the members of public for delivery of social and economic welfare schemes of the Government of India and various state governments. Introduction of modern ICT will help in timely and transparent delivery of social benefit schemes to the beneficiaries viz. MGNREGS, Indira Gandhi Old Age Pension Scheme (IGOAPS). Computerised and connected network of Post office on a single integrated platform will also help India Post to retail products and services of other service providers viz. Banks, Government & Non Government financial institutions, Government Agencies and Mutual Fund houses in the rural and remote areas. Next year August, 2011 under pilot project 6 Postal Circles namely Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, U.P. Circle & Assam Circle computerization will be commenced. We welcome the Technological development. It will give benefit to the rural masses and rural Post offices.
Remittance of quota & dues to CHQ
All divisional and branch secretaries are requested to clear all quota and dues for their branches and divisions at the earliest. CHQ is persuing the problems of GDSs continuously and has to strengthen our organization with all efforts doing at all levels to achieve our justified and desirable demands through struggles in the near future.

Organize and mobilize the cadre to make success the "March to Parliament" program by participating in large number to show our unity and strength as a working class. Our CHQ made all arrangements for accommodation in Delhi.

Further requesting all our divisional and branch secretaries and active members to popularize our demands among the members and public, to make success of our CHQ struggle program.

LATEST: Work norms for GDSBPMs framed which is again anti GDS and discriminative.  When the matter of cash handling is in court, department itself has stated it a subjudice, the norms are published and given effect to which is totally opposed and not acceptable.  Similarly NREGS accounts are not taken for norms.  The unilateral decision to bring the norms to force is the cause of concern everywhere and we shall fight unitedly till justice is rendered to us. 


With struggle and New Year greetings,
General Secretary
All India Postal Extra Departmental Employees Union

Monday, December 27, 2010



Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts (GDS Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg.
New Delhi-110116
No. 17-17/2010-GDS Dated: 14 Dec. 2010
Chief Postmaster General
Postmasters General
General Managers (Finance)
Director of Accounts (Postal).
To objective of the Scheme for engagement of Gramin Dak Sevaks on compassionate grounds is to engage dependent family member of a Gramin Dak Sevak dying in harness, thereby leaving his family in penury and without adequate means of livelihood.
2. Keeping in view the objective of the Scheme, the existing instructions relating to compassionate engagement have time and again been reviewed/modified/simplified so that the system finally derived at shall be more transparent, efficient and uniform in nature.
3. Currently, there is no laid down transparent criteria for adjudging degree of indigence of the GDS family while considering their cases for compassionate engagement. Therefore, a need is felt to lay down transparent criteria for considering a request for engagement on compassionate grounds by a Committee. A balanced and objective assessment of the financial condition of the family has to be made taking into consideration of his/her assets and liabilities, and all other relevant factors such as presence of an earning member, size of the family and the essential needs of the family including social obligations, etc. in order to assess the degree of indigence of all the applicants to be considered for compassionate engagement. The Department of Personnel & Training has provided for limiting compassionate appointment of wards of departmental employees to 5% of the total vacancies and no such stipulation has been made for this purpose in respect of GDS. This, however, does not mean that all applicants are to be engaged as GDS on compassionate grounds in relaxation of normal and only the exceptional and deserving cases are to be considered for compassionate engagement as the scheme stipulates that compassionate engagement is to be given only in indigent and deserving cases.
4. The existing procedure has been reviewed in this Directorate and it has been decided by the competent authority that to achieve the objective of the scheme of the compassionate engagement and to ensure complete transparency, merits of the cases can be conveniently indicated by allocating points to the applicants based on various attributes. Accordingly, the Department has worked out a system of allocation of points to various attributes based on a hundred point scale as indicated in the tables below:-
Proposed slabs for GDS Dependants
3 & above
For Education of minor children
For Marriage of daughters
Proposed slabs for left over service in context to maximum age for discharge
Over 20 years
Over 15 & up to 20 years
Over 10 & up to 15 years
Over 5 & up to 10 years
0-5 years
No house and land
Own house only or land
Own house and land
Proposed slabs for family earning
No Income
2500 or less per month
2501 to 3500 per month
3501 to 4500 per month
4501 to 5500 per month
5501 & above per month
Proposed slabs for benefits on discharge
Below Rs. 25000
25000 to 50000
50001 to 75000
75001 to 10000
Above 10000
Proposed slab on education of applicant
Below 10+2
5. The above system of weightage not only brings more objectivity to the method but also ensures complete transparency and uniformity in the selection process. The above method is being introduced for considering cases of compassionate engagement to the dependents of the GDS in the event of death of the bread winner. The cases which are more than five years old or having an earning members (s) in the family shall continue to be referred to this Directorate as hitherto before.
6. Shri RS Nataraja Murti Committee had recommended in Para 17.20.2 as under:- "Keeping the spirit of compassionate appointments as enunciated by the Nodal Ministry and also the ruling of the Hon'ble Supreme Court, there is need to provide compassionate appointment to the dependents of GDS in hard and deserving cases. The purpose would be served if the engagement of GDS on the division in a year. The vacancies may be computed separately for GDS BPM and other categories. The period of consideration of deserving cases may be kept as three years. While considering the cases there need not be any relaxation in educational qualification for the post of BPM. In hard and deserving cases requiring relaxations of educational qualification, the engagement may be offered in other categories of GDS subject to the condition that the incumbent can satisfactorily discharge the duties assigned". While the intention behind the scheme of engagement of GDS on compassionate grounds is to allow engagement of GDS on compassionate ground in hard and deserving cases only and not in all cases, the recommended percentage is twice the percentage prescribed for regular Government employees. The above recommendations have been examined in this Directorate and it has been decided to accept the same. However, in view of the Department's plan to computerize the Branch Offices and to use hand held devices etc. besides the requirement of combination of duties in various circumstance, it all categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks including GDS BPM.
7. The number of vacancies and ceiling of 10% now being proposed may be calculated in the following manner:-
(a) The vacancies occurring in a calendar year age to be computed separately for the GDS BPM and other categories of GDS by their appointing authorities for each division well in advance. The appointing authorities while calculating the same shall take into account the vacancies that are likely to occur due to discharge of Gramin Dak Sevaks on attaining the age of 65 years for this purpose during the ensuing calendar year. However, the vacancies arisen due to absorption of Gramin Dak Sevaks in regular departmental posts and due to death occurring during the currency of the calendar year will be added to the vacancies occurring in the next calendar year for computation. The requisite information therefore needs to be compiled at all levels and finally sent to the Head of the Circle concerned by 30th Nov in advance along with cases complete in all respect.
(b) Circle Relaxation Committee shall consider all cases and approve the same subject to guidelines on the subject and ceiling of 10% of the vacancies calculated separately for GDS BPM and other categories of GDS strictly on application of the Point System for determining the indigence. Cases prescribed to be sent to the Directorate more than 5 years old and cases in which one or more member is earning shall continue to be recommended as per existing provisions subject to this overall 10% limit to be applied on divisional basis.
(c) In units where on application of the ceiling percentage, the number of vacancies for consideration of cases for compassionate engagement works out less than 1 (not zero), one vacancy may be earmarked in that division/unit for compassionate engagement.
(d) This percentage of 10% shall only apply to cover cases of wards of deceased GDS and not to GDS acquiring disability during service defined in the persons with Disabilities Act, 1995. Section 47 of the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995 provides that no establishment shall dispense with or reduce in rank an employee who acquires a disability during his service as also no promotion shall be denied to a person merely on the ground of his disability. In case a GDS acquires a disability during his service and is considered to be unsuitable for the GDS post he was holding, could be shifted to some other post with the same TRCA.
(e) Period of consideration of deserving cases is prescribed as three years i.e. in case where it is not possible to offer engagement of GDS on compassionate grounds due to the application of prescribed ceiling, the case may be considered by the CRC in the subsequent CRC meetings of the next two years to the maximum.
(f) No relaxation in educational qualification for the post of GDS BPM or any other category of GDS would be permissible.
The above instructions will be applicable for all the compassionate engagement case to be considered on or after 01.01.2011. These issues with the approval of Secretary Posts.
These instructions may be communicated to all concerned.
Yours faithfully,
(Surender Kumar)
Asst. Director General (GDS)