Sunday, November 23, 2008


After Strong Protest of our General Secretary COM. S.S.Mahadevaia the Department of Posts has been constituted a group of following senior officers to examine the recommendations and also the group officers may look in to the Representation received from GDS union. The report will submit by first week of December 2008 for taking necessary action by Department of Posts. After that the indefinite strike notice will be served by our CHQ\NFPE. In this connection NFPE will organise one national convention at Nagarjun University , GUNTUR under AP Circlr on 29th November-08. All The circle secreteris will be assemble and discuss to success the Indefinite Strike. NAME AND DESIGNATION OF THE OFFCERS Sri P. Gopinath.CPMG , Delhi,Chairman and Sri S.K.Chakraverty,CPMG,NE Circle, Sri Ramanujam,PMG Chennai,Sri K.K.Sharma,DPS, (HQ) Bangalore and Dr. Brajesh Singh,Director ,PA-1 as member.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


The CPMG Orissa invited Com.R.N.Dhal Leader RJCM Staffside and Com.N.C.Singh Circle Secretary E.D on 15.11.2008 at 10 AM to discuss on bonus issue on enhancd ceiling to GDS and advised all Head s of Divisions to release for GDS in Postalwing in orissa Circle for Payment after finalsation of discussion.

Monday, November 3, 2008