Sunday, January 9, 2011

Service Discharge Benefit Scheme (SDBS) for Gramin Dak Sewaks – uploading of information relating to GDSs opted to join SBDS in India Post Website-reg.

File No. 6-11/2009-PE.II(Pt)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg.
New Delhi-110001
Dated the 05-01-2011

All Chief Postmaster General,

Sub.:    Service Discharge Benefit Scheme (SDBS) for Gramin Dak Sewaks – uploading of information relating to GDSs opted to join SBDS in India Post Website-reg.


            Please refer to this office letter of even number dated 01.09.2010 and Member (P)'s D.O. letter dated 18.10.2010 on the above mentioned subject.

2.                   Instructions have already been issued for obtaining option from the Gramin Dak Sevaks and also applications for joining the scheme. The work must have been commenced. In connection with the availability of on-line information, the Competent Authority has desired that the information of Gramin Dak Sevaks who have opted for joining the Service Discharge Benefit scheme may be uploaded in the India Post Website. Therefore, it is requested to prepare the information of such GDSs opted to join SDBS in the following format and e-mail it to PTC Mysore for uploading the same in India Post Website. The information should be furnished each Postal division wise.

Sl. No
Name of GDS and designation
Name of the Post office

3.                   This information may also be sent to this office in soft as well as hard copies. The soft copy may be e-mailed to and

4.                   It may be accorded TOP PRIORITY.

     Yours faithfully,
                                      (AK Sharma)
DDG (Establishment)
Phone No. 011-23096098

File No. 6-11/2010-PE-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg.
New Delhi-110001
Dated the 03-01-2011

Chief Postmaster General
Postmasters General
Bihar, Delhi, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala
Maharashtra, North East, Uttrakhand
UP & West Bengal Circle

Directors of Accounts (Postal)
Delhi, Bangalore, Thiruvananthapuram,
Shillong, Lucknow & Kolkata

Sub:     Introduction of Service Discharge Benefit scheme (SDBS) for Gramin Dak Sevaks.


            Kindly refer to this office letter of even no. dated 01-09-2010 and D.O. Letter of even no. dated 18-10-2010 from Member (P) on the above mentioned subject. A series of reminders were issued to the Circles in this regard.

2.                   Even after expiry of 3 months period, the following Circles have not submitted the applications for registration of Account Offices and Collection Centers for registration with Central Record Keeping Agency (CRA) of National Security Depository Ltd. (NSDL) before launching the scheme.

3.            The details of applications wanting is as below:

Sl. No.
Name of the circle.
Applications wanting
for registration of Account Office.
Applications wanting for registration of
collection centers.
Delhi circle
DAP Delhi
Applications of six Postal divisions.
Bihar circle
Applications of 22 Postal divisions
Karnataka circle
DAP Bangalore
Kerala circle
DAP Thirubvanathapuram
Applications of Lakshadweep div.
Jharkhand circle
Applications of 7 Postal divisions
Maharashtra circle
Applications of 34 Postal divisions
North East circle
DAP Shillong
Applications of 7 Postal divisions
Uttrakhand circle
Applications of 7Postal divisions
Uttar Pradesh
DAP Lucknow
Applications of 44 Postal divisions
West Bental
DAP Kolkata
Applications of 28 Postal divisions

4.            It is to state that unless the applications for registration of Account Offices and Collection Centers are sent to Central Record keeping Agency (CRA) of National Security Depository Ltd. (NSDL), the applications of Gramin Dak Sevaks (beneficiaries) cannot be processed. The Department has already assured to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on information & Technology for launching the scheme at the earliest.

5.            I shall be grateful if the matter is reviewed by the Circle and the applications (NLAO of DAP and NLCC of Collection Centers) duly filled in are expeditiously submitted to this office. There is no need to keep them pending with DAP on the ground that the registration no. is not allotted.

6.            This may kindly be given TOP PRIORITY.

Yours faithfully
(A.K. Sharma)
Dy. Director General (Estt.)


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