Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day long Dharana Programme of Confederation concluded successfully in Bhubaneswar on 20.06.2013.

The day-long Dharana Programme of the Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers Unions and Associations was concluded successfully on 15 point charter of demands by the Odisha State CoC in the campus of Bhubaneswar GPO today.  The programme was presided by Com. Mohini Mohan Samal, President Odisha State Committee and addressed by veteran Trade Union leader Com. Dusmanta Dash Joint Convener, Sramik O Karmachari Ekata Manch, Odisha. The programme was participated by different Central Govt. Establishments stationed in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack.
The following leaders addressed the Dharana Programme.
1.    Com. R N Dhal, General Secretary, State CoC & Circle Secretary R – III
2.    Com. R C Mishra, Vice-President, AIPEU, Group-C, CHQ, New Delhi and Circle Secretary, P-III
3.    Com. Bruhaspati Samal, Divnl. Secretary, AIPEU, Gr.-C, Bhubaneswar
4.    Com. Debabrat Mohanty, Circle Secretary, P-IV, Odisha
5.    Com. Nirmal Singh, Circle Secretary, AIPEU GDS (NFPE), Odisha Circle
6.    Com. Kishore Chandra Sahoo from Central Govt. Text Book Press, Bhubaneswar
7.    Com. P C Nayak from Regional Medical Research Centre, Bhubaneswar
8.    Com. J K Mishra from Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar
9.    Com. S K Mallick from Geological Survey of India, Bhubaneswar
10. Com. U C Mishra & Com. Shantanu Dash from Central Ground Water Board, Bhubaneswar
11. Com. G Kailash & Com. C S Samal from AIPAEA, Cuttack
12. Com. N P Tripathy from Survey of India, Bhubaneswar
13. Com. G C Sahoo from CPWD, Bhubaneswar
14. Com. Kishore Biswal from Postal Printing Press, Bhubaneswar

This apart, the programme was also participated during lunch hour by Com. Sudhir Kumar Swain, Divisional Secretary, P-IV, Bhubaneswar Division, Com. Ghanashyama Panda, Divisional Secy,. AIPEU GDS ( NFPE), Bhubaneswar Division, Com. Dipti Ranjan Mohanty and Com. Nihar Ranjan Pattnaik, Asst Secretary and Organizing Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, Bhubaneswar Division respectively and many  R-III, R-IV, P-III and P-IV comrades from Bhubaneswar and Cuttack.

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