Tuesday, August 21, 2012


What a Branch Post Master should not fail to do ?
1.Do not fail to examine seal card labels and the condition of the B.O Bag received before opening (Rule-52)
2. Do not fail to stamp the mail lists received and sign them (Rule-55)
3. Do not fail to examine the cash bags received, ascertain the correct weight and compare it with the weight noted in the Branch Office Slip (Rule-167(i))
4. Do not fail to sigh and date stamp the B.O lips and file them in monthly bundles (Rule167(3)).
5. Do not fail to check the Book of B.O Receipts as soon as it is received from the Account Office to see that the receipts are in order (Rule-23(3)).
6.Do not fail to make the remarks (Re-entered” (with date) against the last previous entry in respect of accountable articles which are reissued after having been kept in deposit (Rule-169).
7. Do not fail to show the accountable articles in depost at the close of the day noting them in red ink between two lines drawn in red ink after the last entry of the day in the journal (Note-3 below Rule-169)
8. Do not fail to sign and stamp the registered lists or parcel lists or BO slips with which the registered articles are received (Rule-86(1)).
9. Do not fail to submit the Monthly Abstract of BO transactions to the account office on the 1st of each month (Rule-178)
10. Do not fail to maintain an eoor book and to report important irregularities immediately (Rules_36 7 37)
11. Do not fail to sign the check slip in full (Rule-64)
12. Do not fail to ask  the delivering official to attest with his signature the thumb impression of the addressee on the receipt for the registered article (Rule-91)
13. Do not fail to ascertain the weight of the insured article received and not it below the entry of the weight recorded by the account office in the registered list of the BO slip (Rule97(1)).
14. Do not fail to note the date of dispatch of the delivered V.P receipt to the account office against the entry corresponding to the article in the Registered or Parcel list or in the BO slip with which the V.P article was received (Rule-103(3)).
15. Do not fail to obtain the signature of the witness in attestation of all payments of Money Orders paid I villages whether the payee is illiterate or not (Rule-112(1)(g))
16. Do not fail to record the words “Too late” on the BO receipts and counterfoil when a money order is booked after the dispatch of the Branch Office bag (Rule-104(2)).
17. Do not fail to weigh the cash bag containing remittance before dispatch and note the weight  in words and figures in the remarks column of the BO account and on the label of the cash bag and in the BO Daily Account (Rule-171(3)).
18. Do not fail to keep under safe custody cash received from account office, or collected at BO as you alone are responsible for it in case of its loss or theft (Rule-11)
19. Do not fail to pass receipts for accountable articles immediately (Rules-81,90,104&129)
20. Do not fail to make immediate entries in the BO SB journal and SB pass book and return the later to the depositor unless it is required otherwise in which case a receipt should be given immediately. (Rule-131)
21. Do not fail to check up the visit book maintained by the village postman or EDDA and to ensure that all villages are visited on due days (Rule-9).
 source:GDS REFRESHER -compiled by Com.K.V.Sridharan,GS,AIPEU Gr.C

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