Monday, October 27, 2008

CWC Meeting at PURI 16th to 18th Nov.08

Notice under article No:31 (a) of the constitution of All India Postal Extra Deparmental Employees' Union, It is here by given that a metting of circle working committee of All India Postal Extra Departmental Employees' Union, Orissa circle Branch will be held at Bagala Dharmassla, Puri, From: 16.11.08 to 18.11.08. The members of circle working committee and Divisonal Secretaries are requested to attend the metting in time, the following agendas shall be discussed in the metting.

1. Disscussion and confirmation of circle secretay Repost.
2.Reviw of August- 20 one day strike.
3. Parliament march called by CHQ.
4. Ensuing Idefinite strike called by NFPE.
5. Discussion of Staff problems.
6. Remittance of Quota to Circle /CHQ and Accounts.
7. Any other Item with permssion of the chair.

N.C. Singh
Circle secretary

Copy to:
1. The Chief Post Master General, Orissa Circle, Bhubanewar/Postmaster General Berhampur/ Sambalpur Region.
2. The General Secretary, AIPEDEU, Padam Nagar Post Office building, Delhi-7.
3. All office beurer of the circle union and Divisional Secretarisw.
4. Com. P.R, Dashm, Circle President, Panposh Roiak, Rourkela-4. 5. Circle Union File.
N.C. Singh
Circle Secretary

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